The Declaration of Independence
Lest we underestimate the monument of today, let us not forget the men who risked their lives, facing certain defeat had they not been diligent, determined, wise, and blessed and guided by a mighty and...
View ArticleThe Time For Choosing Draws Nigh
Know ye who read this that I am not a threat. I am not advocating for the overthrow of the Government of the United States of America. I am not man enough, or brave enough, or even patriot enough,...
View ArticleGettysburg, Vicksburg and Obama’s War Against the States
The Liberal Democratic Party’s war on the South, Judeo-Christian values, affordable energy and food, men, women’s wombs and the family Eleven score and 11 years ago tomorrow in Philadelphia, the Second...
View ArticleFive Self Evident Truths of Independence
Thomas Jefferson penned a magnificent document declaring the just case for America’s independence. The bulk of the Declaration is an account of the Crown’s actions. Actions taken by monarchs for...
View ArticleKings George III, Obama: Choking Off Independent Economic Life
If only a gorget and a fort made of palmetto logs could stop the choking today as in 1776 Happy Independence Day! One of many reasons Americans can commemorate the approval of the Declaration of...
View ArticleWell, Charles C.W. Cooke Just Hates Slavery, Now Doesn’t He?
But apparently he’s not too much concerned about our “fortunes and our sacred honor”. From National Review Online today: “I daresay that I would not stand idly by quoting John Adams if a state...
View ArticleDiagramming Our First Revolution, The “Redcoats” Are Coming, Again
The War for Independence, the Revolutionary War, was not a spontaneous fire, set by a bolt of lightning. I don’t know how, or even if, school children are taught the story of America’s leap for freedom...
View Article241 years ago this was signed
Have a happy and safe Independence Day from all of us at Unified Patriots! Oddly enough many of the grievances listed below against the King of England sound familiar even today for many of us… Source...
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